2/3″ to 1/2″ lens conversion
Hey there,
Can anyone assist me with how the math converts going from 2/3″ to 1/2″ lenses and vis versa? I know they change the viewing angle but do not know how much or what the calculation would be.
What I am thinking is this….I own a DSR-390 which is a 1/2″ mount and want to get a wide angle lens on it. But, I am thinking if I get a 2/3″ lens and use the adaptor to fit it to my 1/2″ mount that would be a better investment and there are more 2/3″ options than 1/2″ options. So…say I was to get a Canon 2/3″ J14a x 8.5b, how would that translate on my camera? 5.5? 4.5? or?
Thanks in advance!