£1900 for a repair aaaaaaaauuuuuuggghhhh…………….!!!! Battery Error Message
The battery error message I got is apparently caused by the firewire circuitry in the camera (despite the fact i NEVER use firewire on the camera) They say they cannot fix the DPR298 board, and want to charge me £1600 plus Tax, so about £1900, thats $3,120.30 USD
I spoke to Sony directly to find out why it costs so much and they said its the main circuit board, I said yes, Im sure that costs about $20 in real costs, as I have already paid for the R&D by buying the camera… they had no sympathy and i have no choice but to fork out.
So there you go, if you ever get the battery error message and your camera powers down automatically after a few seconds, be worried… be very worried 😉
till later