Thanks for the additional input Gary. There is no camera in his budget that meets his requirements, which means he is going to have to compromise one of the features he wants… unless you’re going to write him a check for the remaining 2-3k?
He said he does low light shooting in clubs: a7sii is king of low light
He said he wants 4K: a7sii does 4K internal
He said he doesn’t want a big camera like the FS7 or Ursa, which I believe you recommended Gary: a7sii is a small mirrorless body
He said he has a budget of 6-7k: a7sii body used from B&H is 2700
He calls 4K 60 the “device of his dreams” which to me means he realizes he may have to compromise: the a7sii will at least give him 60 or 120 fps in a resolution, again, compromise.
The point of these forums, Gary, as I’m sure you know, is to offer options and ideas that others may not have thought of. I’m not sure why you’re angry or attacking others for putting forth valid compromises to his problem.