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  • Drew Lahat

    February 16, 2011 at 6:43 pm in reply to: Which HD format for a documentary?

    Correct me if I’m wrong, no one broadcasts in 720p/30. So is doubling the frames a common practice? Wouldn’t it get rejected by 720p broadcasters?

    Also, 24p would look bad in 30p, while 60 is a common denominator of 24 and 30. On a progressive display, why would pulldowned 24p look any different in 30i than in 60p?

    >> Interviews in 60 P. Who’s idea was that 😛

    Mine and the director’s 🙂 The look is equivalent to plain (NTSC) video, and we wanted to differentiate the interviews from the archival & stock footage.

  • Drew Lahat

    February 16, 2011 at 6:29 pm in reply to: Converting timebase from 30i to 60p

    Hi Rafael,

    Thanks for the response, but a smart deinterlacer is about the last thing I need. My problem has to do with metadata – sequences / EDLs / XMLs – not video files.

  • Drew Lahat

    February 8, 2011 at 8:18 am in reply to: How to get arond this “General Error”

    In my case it was a bad clip (relinked to mismatching media). The most useful thing was doing renders, and halving the range each time until I zeroed out on the culprit.

  • Drew Lahat

    December 23, 2010 at 6:01 am in reply to: When was the last time you used ISDN?

    Thanks for the input, SourceConnect has come up in my research and sounds like a good option, along with a per-session bridging service.

    Our broadband connection should be perfectly suited for it, we invested in an 8Mbps dedicated (guaranteed) symmetrical link – expensive but worth it.

    Drew Lahat
    Precision Post
    Los Angeles, CA

  • Drew Lahat

    June 14, 2010 at 11:42 pm in reply to: Batch capture from D5-HD crashes FCP

    No responses, but it looks like most threads about FCP capture crashing are left unanswered. So maybe this will help:

    After plenty of troubleshooting (and an hour on the phone with Panasonic’s helpful Greg Boren), I’ve been looking in the wrong direction. This is not a deck control problem, it’s a file I/O or codec problem.

    Nothing fixed the issue until I tried to capture ProRes instead of Uncompressed. So troubleshooting the Promise and the QT/FCP installation will be the next step.

  • Drew Lahat

    May 25, 2010 at 7:13 am in reply to: Dupe detection plug-in?

    Your post made me smile… sorry I made you write so much, because you’re preaching to the choir. My comments were not about tapes or cards, I had mainly stills on my mind (and in my browser).

    I’ve been a professional editor for several years now, thank you. I’ve onlined and supervised TV shows that required a real offline-online workflow. Tapes and cards without timecode are a nightmare. I was scared when I had to cut an HDV feature 4 years ago w/o timecode (the JVC HD100 just came out, no one supported it properly) and I’m disappointed that the same problem surfaced again with DSLR clips.

    Anyway, the current project I’m working on has dozens if not hundreds of stills. It also has plenty of stock footage from a plethora of sources, and they’re not in any manner accommodating each other with continuous TC.

    Reel names were not meant to be unique identifiers of individual clips, but of containers. When you’re given a hundred glass jars with 1 tag in each, the simple & sensible way is to handle them by what the tag says; not by creating a parallel, non-automated catalog of jars. Do you think a workflow where you have to manually type in timecode for every clip is a good one? No, it’s a broken workflow.

    I’d like an exact name match, *in addition* to reel & TC. Better yet, with an option to turn it on or off. Looks like it’ll work fine with the situation you described. Anyway,

    p.s. While batch Capture was the only way in when I started, I find myself using it less and less these days. If my media is lost I bring up the backup drive and reconnect to it.

  • Drew Lahat

    May 25, 2010 at 2:12 am in reply to: Dupe detection plug-in?

    Thanks everyone for the responses, I did realize after posting that searching the timeline is another effective tool.

    Shane, you sound like an Avid user 😉 You gave a relevant and complete answer for the available solutions, but it’s the software’s fault, not the user’s. FCP is missing a useful feature (dupe detect by clip name), and I suppose 7 hasn’t changed anything (I’m using 6).

    There’s no way manually typing unique reel names for every clip is a good workflow, and FCP doesn’t expect you to work that way. It’s grown to support file-based workflows well, but they neglected to update dupe detection to better support them. I should file a feature request…

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