unimpressed w/ G5???
I just upgraded from a 1.25 G4 to a 2.5 G5 with 2GB of RAM.
I bought the new computer now (right before NAB) because I have an HD project underway and was greatly in need of some more processing power.
I was under the impression that the 2.5 G5 was the only thing that could handle HD work. Thus far, I am unimpressed.I have a Blackmagic Decklink HD Pro card running to an Ikegami HD monitor. Supposedly, I should be able to RAM preview some of my AE comps realtime to this monitor. I can’t. It completely chokes and stutters through the playback.
I can get a good ‘idea’ of what my comp looks in HD, but nothing reliable.
I have it set to RAM preview, not to disk cache.I have also had problems with rendering. I’ll leave overnight renders and invariably, AE will just get ‘stuck’ on one of them….spinning and spinning its wheels, saying it’s been rendering for 20 minutes, when 7 hours have passed. I have to quit the render in the morning, the whole night wasted.
choke choke choke. Is it AE that can’t handle HD or is it the G5???
Is 2GB RAM simply not enough? If not, how much IS enough? In my render que, it is telling me that it is only using between 6%-15% of the available RAM, so it doesn’t seem like a RAM issue. Are my settings wrong somewhere, perhaps?And I must add that these compositions are STRIPPED. I’ve taken out every complex filter I can and am almost down to ‘fast blurs’ only. I’ve eliminated my cameras and lights and replicated their effects in 2D. I’ve even removed most of my masked overlay layers by importing feathered mask layers from Photoshop so that AE doesn’t have to compute the mask for each frame.
I am trying to make some interesting looking graphics, but feel that all my tools have been taken away.Are other people having these problems or am I doing something wrong on my end?
Alisa Placas
Lucid Animation
Cambridge, MA