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  • John Davidson

    April 8, 2009 at 12:05 am

    I agree with the above posts about running media manager tonight to copy all your clips to a dedicated hard drive. Once that’s done, yell, throw rocks, or urinate on anyone who tries to ‘just unplug this drive for a second’. That’s likely why your media is getting jacked up.

    The Avid way is completely different from the FCP way. Importing elements is much easier on FCP, you just have to understand that where you put that file before you import is where it needs to stay on a hard drive – unless you run media manager. FCP ain’t gonna break that up into a billion little files like Avid will.

    I like the FCP way better. At first I hated it – I liked having Symphony hold my hand held in regards to media. I didn’t like the slow ass importing involved. Now I like the FCP way, and want to die if we work in an Avid session where I get held hostage watching a stupid bar slowly fill up when I’m importing a clip.

    Get Shane’s DVD if you intend to work on FCP ever again. It’s good stuff.

    Magic Feather Inc.

  • Dan Crouch

    April 8, 2009 at 11:00 pm

    Thanks for the post John,
    The way FCP deals with media is becoming clearer, cheers for that.
    I am going to go for it re transfer all media to one drive, I think this may do the trick? – LaCie 2big Triple (2-disk RAID)


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