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Activity Forums Creative Community Conversations IDing tapeless media

  • Mark Smith

    September 2, 2016 at 2:46 pm

    I tried your suggestion and sure enough there is a reel number selectable in the database list . I had a small amount of C300 files in a card volume that was named something to indicate what it was. I selected the named volume and clicked import, but what I got in the reel name field was this: 0x060A2B340101010501010D43130000008D1BE3BA337605800000852110200057

    If that is the reel name in hexadecimal I suppose that’s ok but it would be better if it were in English.

  • Jeremy Garchow

    September 2, 2016 at 2:59 pm

    [Mark Smith] “If that is the reel name in hexadecimal I suppose that’s ok but it would be better if it were in English.

    The cool thing is, if you paste that number in to Spotlight, you will find the exact file.

  • Mark Smith

    September 3, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    I just tried your tip about pasting that long hexadecimal looking file that is in the reel name field into spotlight and i get “no results”….

  • Mark Smith

    September 3, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    So the interesting thing I find is that if I click on an imported wave file in the browser ( I was doing some dual system audio recording) the reel, scene and take number info recorded by my 633 is in the proper fields in the metadata inspector. So maybe it is something in my C300 mk2 camera setup up that is messing up my metadata info about camera files.

  • Mark Smith

    September 3, 2016 at 5:35 pm

    Next I’ll ask this question: has anyone on this forum gotten correct metadata from Canon C300 Mk2 ( reel, scene, take info) camera files to import into FCPX ?

  • Mark Smith

    September 3, 2016 at 7:15 pm

    The only clue I have so far is that when importing XF-AVC files from C300 mk2 , the clips come in without a problem but the associated files with each clip, the thumbnail, the xml, and a .cpf file are not recognised by X and are not imported… If the XML were recognised maybe the correct fields in the inspector with reel and take info would be populated? This problem might be a X – Canon XF AVC issue which may be addressed in the FCPX update code named “Godot”.

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