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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro Legacy Digital Cinema Desktop Preview unavailable

  • Hasselman Jor

    October 19, 2007 at 9:38 am

    Have you tried with another monitor?
    Maybe the fault is somehow in your current monitor?

  • Andy Wills

    December 12, 2008 at 3:27 pm


    I have a macbook pro running final cut version 5

    I want to see the canvas on my external hd DELL monitior while I edit.

    At the moment, the DELL hd monitor is just showing the desktop background of my macbook pro.

    In final cut I don’t have the “Digital Cinema Desktop Preview – Full Screen” option

    I only see the “”Digital Cinema Desktop Preview – Main” option
    – this just gives me the canvas full-screen on my macbook pro, not on the external monitor.

    The sequence I’m working on is PAL

    Is there an altruistic FCP guru out there who can help me?
    Thanks in advance for any help,

  • Kevin O’brien

    December 12, 2008 at 3:49 pm

    I ended up doing a complete clean install of FCP and this solved the problem.
    I’m sure there is a simpler and more direct solution, but this worked.
    Thanks for suggestions.


  • Kevin O’brien

    December 12, 2008 at 3:54 pm

    Hi Andy,
    I had a similar problem.
    Make sure you are not mirroring and try restarting with the external monitor hooked up.
    This may give you the digital cinema option you want.
    As you see above, I had problems after a crash and ended up doing a clean re-install of FCP and this solved my problem. Hopefully yours won’t require such drastic action.


  • Chris Hartman

    January 29, 2009 at 5:24 am

    I had been having the same problem. The only view option was Digital cinema desktop main or none. The machine in reference is a MBP 15″ 2.2ghz. This has been the way its been ever since I had purchased the machine(MBP). Then today just for the hell of it I tried plugging in a samsung LCD diplay and the options were there for all digital cinema desktop options.FYI I have never plugged MBP into this (samsung)display. Main,raw,preview. Needless to say but AWESOME!!! At this point I hooked it up to my 42″ panasonic plasma(display I had originally used with MBP) and that now worked as well. Very strange but it seems to have something to do with the external display not telling your dvi port that it was here for use. It seems as though the samsung(display) has woken the dvi port as well as FCP recognizes it’s connection and the options for DCD preview,raw, and main. Even now when there is no external display plugged in to MBP, FCP still has the option to select Digital Cinema desktop-preview, although greyed out because it is not plugged in. Sorry for the rant but I know others have had the same issue.


  • Kevin O’brien

    January 29, 2009 at 8:29 pm

    I had a similar experience, plugged in my 23″ Cinema display, then all options were available, even after I disconnected it… I could use the Digitial Desktop Cinema Preview on my laptop screen.
    I wonder if anyone with FCP6 has had these issues.


  • Michael Brown

    February 8, 2009 at 1:26 am

    Hi Chris,

    This thread and your response have made more sense than any others I’ve browsed through while searching for a solution for my similar problem: nothing other than Cinema Desktop Main or None! I’m on MBP 15″ 2.5 GHz Core 2 Duo 2GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM using external disks for capture and renders, SD only, FCP 4.5, OS 10.5.6. Whether I’ve restarted with the my Fujitsu/Siemens W-19 monitor hooked up or not, and same goes for a TV-Screen in the DVI port, no way to locate another Preview option, nowhere. Only 2 months ago I worked on a PB G4 12″ and OS 10.3.9 and it all worked fine. Any ideas ? Thanks, this is a nuisance!


    Michael Brown

  • Chris Hartman

    February 8, 2009 at 1:39 am

    Open FCP without external display connected. While FCP is open plug your external display in. Quit and relaunch FCP. If you have any display that connects via VGA, use it. It is possible that the vga signal wakes FCP to seeing these external displays. I think the other aspect that gets it to work is having FCP open while making these display connections.

  • Michael Brown

    February 9, 2009 at 7:04 am

    Hi Chris, I wish your tip had done it, but no. I had tried that and I tried again after reading your post. I have already trashed prefs as well. My MBP only has a DVi port, no more VGA. That was good with the PB G4! I was told in a previous thread that the issue was running FCP 4.5 on Leopard, and I was even told that 4.5 would not run on Leopard at all, but I can prove that it does, and it’s as stable and quick as can be! Eberything else in FCP works just fine. Since that theory was never sustained by a 2nd voice, I tended to doubt it. You have any other ideas or any one else out there? Thanks!

    Michael Brown

  • Chris Hartman

    February 9, 2009 at 12:53 pm

    I used a display that only accepts VGA. I used DVI-VGA adapter. Something about the VGA signal sends information back to computer, I think. I am not a computer wiz so this info could be explained better by someone else. Also try searching known issues with your video card.Here is my vidoe display info.

    Chipset Model: GeForce 8600M GT
    Type: Display
    Bus: PCIe
    PCIe Lane Width: x16
    VRAM (Total): 128 MB
    Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
    Device ID: 0x0407
    Revision ID: 0x00a1
    ROM Revision: 3175

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