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Activity Forums Apple Final Cut Pro X Audio Sweetening with “channels”

  • T. Payton

    June 27, 2011 at 3:43 pm

    I too was hopeful that the “make storyline” would work also, but it doesn’t let you add audio effects to it, nor can you change levels. On top of that it was very hit and miss even getting the “make storyline” to work. What the FCP Team needs to do.. among about a 1000 other things… is to make an “audio group” or something like that in order to group audio items together and add effects, levels, etc, but still edit them on the timeline.

    I actually think that kind of grouping that we have right now with compound clips is pretty cool and could be a very useful tool. It could be expanded even further to include video as well as audio. That way you could “tag” a bunch of video clips from the same camera/scene, etc. that all need the same color correction or whatever done to them and then make just one modification. Audio too could just be “tagged” to a group rather than actually having to make a compound clip.

    Then we have flying faders to control mixing on an iPad app, and then a color control surface on an iPad app! Those would be very compelling.

    There is some much potential here it is staggering… very sad that they are not taking advantage of it.

    – T.

    T. Payton
    OneCreative, Albuquerque

  • Matthew Celia

    September 19, 2011 at 9:46 pm

    Once again the COW saved me from some headaches. Great tip!

    Bringing my first commercial edited in FCPX to protools tonight for the mix – did the usual 2pop (made one for each grouping), grouped them into dialog and music, export, presto.

    FCP Guru

  • T. Payton

    September 20, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    Glad to hear it!

    T. Payton
    OneCreative, Albuquerque

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