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Activity Forums Adobe After Effects After Effects Layer bars not showing up on part of Project

  • After Effects Layer bars not showing up on part of Project

    Posted by Braeden Roesler on September 1, 2016 at 5:48 am

    I started a project in school in after effects of a lyric typography video. I’m about 2/3rds done with it and I was revising some layers towards the beginning but I noticed that about the bottom 100 layers the bars that mark when the footage starts and stop have totally disappeared. They still retain all of their settings and still turn out in the final preview, but the boxes aren’t there to shorten or shift the particular layer. I’ve right clicked menus and selected things looking through and nothing seems to have any effect or setting on this. I’ve done some googling but Haven’t found any answers yet. Any help would be appreciated. Attached is a screenshot where the bottom part shows the missing ‘bars’ and the top you can see a few of the layer bars. I can post additional screenshots or files, etc. If needed.

    Thanks in Advance,

    Ben Day replied 7 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Braeden Roesler

    September 1, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    Hi Dave. Yes, I know that I can use ‘I’ and ‘O’ to navigate to the in and out of the layer, but what I’m saying is the colored box that shows up there to notify the user of where the layer starts and stops, as well as lets them change when it starts and stops, is what’s missing. As I also said before, the layers do start and stop when they’re supposed to (above each respective rotation keyframe set) when I hit space and play. Hitting ‘I’ takes me right to where those keyframes are. So I still require some help. I might also add again that this only happened to part of my project, not the entire thing. The only thing I can think of is editing between Mac and PC multiple times and somehow something screwing up.

    In regards to you accusing me of using a template, How might making a lyric video for an after effects animation class in school make you think I was ‘plagarizing’ an AE file? I can assure you that I opened a new project, imported the song, added a layer for each of the lyrics, timed them out, and started animating them out. I’ve been working on it since April off and on. So unless you can prove otherwise my hard work, keep your opinions to yourself.

    Any other help would be appreciated.

  • Braeden Roesler

    September 1, 2016 at 4:19 pm

    I am using Windows 10.0 (Build 10240). (Also used Mac OSX Yosemite earlier in the project). After effects is CC 2015 v13.8.1.38.

    Attached are 2 screenshots, one of the ‘In’ and on of the ‘out’ on the particular highlighted layer. So the in and out and everything in between are there and working, there’s just no indicator or anything to change.



  • Ben Day

    December 22, 2016 at 10:01 pm


    I’ve run into this issue before on multiple occasions. I’m on a mac and this worked for me:

    Select all the layers in your timeline (command-a), then hit the keyboard ‘u’ key which shows all your keyframes – or in the Animation pull down menu – select ‘Reveal Properties with Keyframes’.

    Not sure this is necessary, but I hit the ‘u’ key again to hide my keyframes and the timeline layers popped back to normal.

    Hope this helps.


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